OmniMD OpenAPI Version 1.0

OmniMD OpenAPI Version 1.0

  • Web Address : of Practice Server containing the patient data to be accessed.
  • Item Version : v 1.0
  • Application Element : Practice Account Variable is used to validate access and log what practice is requesting data.
  • Parameters Element : Various Parameters based on API.
  • OpenApi URL :

This documentation provides access information for searching and fetching patient data from the USCDI utilizing OmniMD EMR OpenAPI's.

The intended purpose satisfies the requirements of CEHRT Regulations § 170.315(g)(7), and § 170.315(g)(9).

Example Call :

Example Return :

Json Format :

  "access_token": "WWSisHnFTwhBlAVBg5j2KYYvPkdIshObhfYcB5QUPLBBy1OFNfFrkb0-1m_t_r80CmSt8YSWkCYKA9FmM2SrSt9ZLFuFWzEw7OQcQe4aE4NhjilNuX4tXvRW-f6pu2ezlj6B279ui-LBijC2oSc0ihf157SznAfc25YdJcFAN ",
  "token_type": "bearer",
  "expires_in": 86399,
  "userName": "Omnimd",
  "vendorAccount": "OmniMD",
  "vendorAccountName": "Omni",
  ".issued": "Wed, 08 Nov 2017 16:28:04 GMT",

Registration#back to top

Vendor Registration :

Parameters :

Note : sign * means required field.

  1. *Vendor Name: Enter vendor name
  2. *Email: Valid Email-ID of vendor
  3. *Phone: Valid vendor phone number.
  4. City: Vendor city
  5. *Address1: Vendor address
  6. Address2: Vendor address
  7. State: Vendor state
  8. Country: Vendor country
  9. *Zip: Vendor zip

-->success Attribute
-->-->true - made it to the GetPatientDetails API
-->-->-->Patient Element
-->-->-->-->Found Attribute
-->-->-->-->-->true - patient found
-->-->-->-->-->-->UniqueIdentifier Variable - PatientID to pass back to other API for Patient data
-->-->-->-->-->False - patient not found
-->-->-->-->-->error Attribute
-->-->-->-->-->-->Action - Error with the Action Variable
-->CatchAll - Catch All error

User Registration :

Parameters :

Note : sign * means required field.

  1. *Vendor Account: Enter vendor account id
  2. *First Name: First name of user
  3. Middle Name: Middle name of user
  4. Last Name: Last name of user
  5. *User Name : Unique User name
  6. *Password : User password
  7. *Email: Valid Email-ID of user
  8. *Phone: Valid user phone number.
  9. City: User city
  10. *Address1: User address
  11. Address2: User address
  12. State: User state
  13. Country: User country
  14. *Zip: User zip

-->success Attribute
-->-->true - made it to the Login Screen
-->-->-->User Element
-->-->-->-->Found Attribute
-->-->-->-->-->true - User created
-->-->-->-->-->False - User not created
-->-->-->-->-->error Attribute
-->-->-->-->-->-->Action - Error with the Action Variable
-->CatchAll - Catch All error

Patient Search#back to top

Search By External Patient ID :

Parameters :
  1. ExternalPatientID – ExternalPatientID returned from GetPatIdentifier API
  2. Token - for the authorized user

Example :

Search By First Name, Last Name, DOB, Gender and Zip :

Parameters :
  1. Token - for the authorized user
  2. First Name - First name of patient
  3. Last Name - Last name of patient
  4. Gender - Gender of patient
  5. Zip - Zipcode
  6. DOB Name - Date of birth of patient

Example :

Returns :

  1. Return Element if present
    1. Success Attribute
      1. False
        1. Error Element
          1. InvalidPatient - Incorrect Patient
  2. Action - Error with the Action Variable
  3. CatchAll - Catch All error
  4. CDA in XML format
Get Patient Data#back to top

Patient All Data:

Parameters :
  1. ExternalPatientID - ExternalPatientID returned from GetPatIdentifier API
  2. Token -for the authorized user
  3. ServerName - Name of the server
  4. ClinicCode - Clinic code of patient
  5. Sections - All(select all data)

Example Call

Example Return

Success :

Error :

Selected Data :

Parameters :
  1. ExternalPatientID- ExternalPatientID returned from GetPatIdentifier API
  2. ClinicCode: Clinic Code
  3. ServerName- Server Name
  4. Token -for the authorized user
  5. StartDate - date range of data to start with (default to 1900-01-01 if not supplied)
  6. EndDate - date range of data to end with (default to today if not supplied and StartDate not supplied, if not supplied and StartDate supplied then set to StartDate)
  7. Sections - AdvanceDirective|Allergy|Assessment|Encounter|FamilyHistory|FunctionalStatus|Immunization|Instruction|MedicalEquipment|

Example Call :

XML Response

* You get response as XML Format in. CDA version is 2.1